Roman Archaeology Group

Perth, Western Australia

Unlocking Egypt with Dr Galán.

This is not Roman archaeology related. However, an Honorary Associate of the WA Museum shared the below, and it may be of interest to some of our members.

The Rundle Foundation at Macquarie University is hosting the Spanish Egyptologist Dr José Galan as one of their Fellows this year.

He will be visiting WA from the 19th to the 24th August and will be hosted by the History Teachers’ Association of WA. He will be mainly taken up with visiting and talking to teachers and students in schools and at UWA.

Dr Galan will be presenting a talk at the WA Museum in the city in the early evening of the 22nd of August.

José Galan is a world-renowned Egyptologist who is the Director of a project at Dra Abu el-Naga on the West Bank at Thebes, and is also involved in other projects.

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This entry was posted on June 20, 2024 by in Other Archaeology Events.
